Friday, 27 July 2007

New Taxes Being Proposed - In Addition to the last lot!

Not satisfied with his previous tax raising incentives,(see previous blog) the ex-chancellor, now PM is also considering the following (NEW) taxes under proposal at the moment:

Revised Second Home tax: New Labour are currently thinking about second home owners paying a special, TRIPLE, rate of Council tax. To which could be added an Absentee Tax on homes left unoccupied for 6-8 months a year.

Nuclear Tax: Every household will have to pay an extra £3,400 on it's electricity bills over the next 20 years (£170 per year) to pay for the new nuclear stations and nuclear waste disposal.

Bed Tax: The Government is proposing adding a further 10% tax to hotel bills - in addition to VAT - making Britain the highest taxed holiday destination in Europe.

Insulation Tax: Householders who fail to have their windows double glazed, and loft and cavity walls insulated, will have to pay more council tax for causing Global warning.
Planning Gain Tax; New Stealth tax to be introduced within three years on land sold by home owners to developers based on the difference between the value of the land itself, and the value of the land with planning permission.

Garden Debris Tax; A charge of £50 per year from your coucil for removing the lawn cuttings and other stuff that goes in the wheely bin for recycling via the councils composting scheme.

English Lesson Tax: The Government has decided to stop funding college courses to migrants, which will be added onto local Council Tax.

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